Whether you are a novice, experienced or competitive runner, there is one item that can make the difference between having a great run or a lousy one: your shoes. Today, the choices when walking into a specialty running shop can be overwhelming--the number of brands, styles and types of shoes on the market can leave even the most educated consumer flustered and confused. Adding to the confusion for many runners is whether or not trail shoes are needed while running.


Both types of shoes, whether you choose a road or tail shoe, offer benefits to the runner. Shoes are designed with two purposes in mind. First, to protect the feet and body from injury that can result from the repeated impact of striking the ground. Second, to maximize forward speed by by gripping the road or trail surface to provide traction, aiding forward momentum. Additionally, shoes are manufactured to compensate for conditions such as overpronation or supination through motion-control or stability-based shoes. For nearly any condition, shoe manufacturers produce a shoe to correct these bio-mechanical "failings." Whether you are completing a 5K race or a trail run, the manufacturer's and user's goals are the same: to give runners an edge toward achieving their personal-best times.


The main difference between the two types of shoes lies in the types of materials used in their manufacture. Road shoes are generally made from lighter-weight materials and have thinner treads Trail shoes are heavier, with a thicker sole that can help maintain the integrity of the shoe, even in the toughest of conditions. Most runners run on pavement, smooth surfaces and groomed trails. Under these types of conditions, road shoes are sufficient to meet the needs of most of these runners.


For the small percentage of runners who run on off-road trails, or a mix of road and trail, a trail shoe may be appropriate. The first thing to consider when you are about to purchase a pair of trail runners is the type of terrain you will be running on. Are you going to run on bridle paths/horse trails, bike paths, recreational trails, fire roads or hiking trails? Are these trails hilly, rocky or have streams traversing various points? Will they require that you clear large objects like fallen trees? Many trail runners recommend running on trails in shoes.


When you have identified the type of surface you expect most of your running will take place on, you can begin considering the types of features you will need from your shoes. Most trail shoes feature added cushioning and support, which provides protection to the joints and support to the ankles, especially on uneven surfaces. The soles vary from model to model. Compared to a typical road shoe, the trail shoe has a thicker and nubbier sole. The added density provides more stability on rugged and uneven terrain. The nubbier or more "aggressive" the shoe, the more grip and traction the shoe provides.


If you typically run on rocky or extremely hilly, mountainous, or root-covered trails, some trail shoes provide additional protection for your toes and the soles of your feet with bumpers and reinforced soles to reduce the bruising that can occur on these surfaces. Another thing to consider when looking for a trail shoe is the type of protection that the shoe can offer from trail debris entering the shoe. The final choice is whether or not to purchase shoes that feature Gore-Tex surfaces to protect the foot against moisture. Remember: If the material does not let the water in, it also does not let it out, which can get uncomfortable in cold conditions.


There are many choices and considerations to make when deciding whether or not a road or trail shoe is beneficial to you and your bio-mechanics and running style. What matters most when deciding on a shoe is that the shoe fits your foot and that you don't try to make your foot fit the shoe. Blisters, black toenails or pain all result in an uncomfortable run and even injury. If you find that trail shoes with their increased shock absorption and stability are the right shoe for you, no matter the terrain you are running on, then that is the appropriate shoe for you. The same applies for road shoes. Finding a shoe that fits will ensure years of healthy, happy running.

credits: www.livestrong.com

Executive B

Executive B is a comprehensive B complex formula with added Vitamin C and minerals, all of which are needed for good health. Executive B helps minimize the damaging effects of continuous stress. It is especially helpful for those who are highly stressed, whether at work or at school, or in situations where dietary intake of nutrients is inadequate.

Vitamin C

Like Vitamin B, Vitamin C is a stress vitamin and is used up rapidly when the body is under stress. It is added to this formula to replace stress-related loss of Vitamin C and to slow down the depletion of Vitamin B during stressful periods. Vitamin C also helps to keep capillary blood vessels toned, which in turn improve circulation so that nutrients in the blood can reach the brain and nerve cells and restore depleted energy.


Zinc is added to this formula to help fight stress, fatigue and mental dullness. Zinc also supports the immune system.
Another important function of zinc is to help in the absorption of B vitamins. It assists many of the enzymes involved in the digestion of food and assimilation of nutrients, thus conserving B complex vitamins which may be used for that purpose.


In-depth Inadequacies

It is believed that many people who live in industrialized societies lack one or more B vitamins. Meeting the demands of a busy and stressful lifestyle, consuming an excess of refined and processed foods and taking too much alcohol can all lead to a depleted store of these nutrients.

Various Functions

The B complex vitamins are an essential part of the diet as they assist in the conversion of food to energy within the body. They also maintain the health of the nerves, skin, eyes, hair and liver, as well as encourage good muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract.
The B vitamins also help with mental awareness, alertness and brain stamina.

The Body Defenders

The functions of the individual B vitamins are related to one other; therefore, they should all be taken together. A deficiency of one can cause a shortage of others, which leads to a break in the link of a complex chain.
Individually, the B vitamins battle to maintain good health, but when combined into a complex, they create a complete army of defenders. Patients tested for frequent bacterial and viral infections show deficiencies in one or more of the B vitamins.


Energy production, anti-stress, mental alertness and brain stamina.

Tiada cara lain di sebaliknya. Jika anda ingin melabur dalam saham, anda memerlukan seorang broker saham yang akan melakukan penjualan dan pembelian sebenar saham-saham bagi pihak anda.
Namun begitu, memilih broker bukan senang seperti memilih seseorang yang mengenakan caj terendah (walaupun ia adalah perkara pertama yang anda perlu fikirkan).

1) Yuran Broker Saham

Broker-broker saham mengenakan yuran apabila anda membeli atau menjual saham. Bagi pelabur baru dengan dana yang terhad, setiap sen diambil kira, oleh itu ia mungkin lebih baik untuk anda mempertimbangkan broker-broker dengan yuran terendah, daripada mereka yang mengenakan caj premium untuk perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan yang anda mungkin tidak akan gunakan.
Perbezaan antara broker yang mengenakan caj 0.1% kepada anda dan broker yang mengenakan caj 0.6% adalah RM250 jika anda membeli atau menjual saham-saham yang bernilai RM50,000!

2) Pendahuluan Tunai (Cash Upfront) atau Akaun-Akaun Kolateral (Collateralised Accounts)

Apabila membuka akaun perdagangan saham, broker anda mungkin menawarkan anda pilihan akaun Pendahuluan Tunai atau akaun Kolateral, atau kedua-duanya sekali. Untuk Pendahuluan Tunai, yuran brokeraj adalah lebih rendah, tetapi perdagangan anda lazimnya terhad kepada jumlah deposit dalam akaun amanah (contohnya jika anda mempunyai RM100 dalam akaun amanah anda, anda boleh memperdagangkan saham-saham bernilai RM100). Untuk Kolateral, yuran brokeraj anda adalah lebih tinggi tetapi had dagangan adalah berkali ganda daripada jumlah yang didepositkan atau ditetapkan kepada akaun amanah anda.
Tidak kira jenis seorang pelabur apakah anda, pastikan anda memilih seorang broker yang menawarkan akaun yang sesuai dengan strategi pelaburan anda.

3) Minimum

Sesetengah broker-broker saham berkeras yang anda depositkan dan kekalkan baki minimum dalam akaun amanah anda untuk memperdagangkan saham-saham. Ini mungkin dalam linkungan serendah RM1,000, ke RM10,000 atau lebih. Jika anda mempunyai dana yang terhad untuk tujuan pelaburan, pilihan terbaik anda ialah pilihan minimum terendah, atau pilihan tiada syarat minimum.

4) Platform Perdagangan Dalam Talian

Walaupun ada sesetengah pelabur-pelabur yang terus bekerjasama rapat dengan ejen broker saham atau remisier untuk tujuan perdagangan saham; ramai pelabur-pelabur generasi baru tidak beralih ke platform perdagangan dalam talian untuk memerhati dan mengurus sendiri aktiviti-aktiviti perdagangan mereka. Jika anda dalam kategori kedua ini, tidak rugi bagi anda untuk melihat dan mengkaji forum-forum dalam talian dan lihat pendapat orang lain mengenai perdagangan dalam talian dengan broker pilihan anda. Ingat: gangguan perkhidmatan talian yang kerap adalah tidak baik apabila ia melibatkan wang anda!

5) Pengeluaran Wang

Fikirkan bagaimana anda mahu mengeluarkan wang dari akaun perdagangan saham anda (yang anda akan buat tidak lama lagi). Bagi unit broker bank, it mungkin melibatkan panggilan telefon yang mudah atau menekan butang dalam talian untuk memindahkan wang ke akaun simpanan yang berkaitan atau akaun semasa. Bagi firma broker, proses tersebut mungkin mengambil masa lebih lama kerana ia melibatkan perangkaan, proses perbankan dan pelepasan cek-cek ke dalam akaun anda. Walaupun anda akan mendapat wang anda dengan salah satu cara tersebut, kecepatan pengeluaran adalah berbeza dan mungkin satu perkara yang besar bagi pelabur-pelabur tertentu.

6) Kejujuran dan Reputasi Broker Saham

Apabila anda memberi kepercayaan kepada sebuah syarikat dengan jumlah wang yang besar, anda perlu selalu berusaha keras memastikan sama ada syarikat tersebut boleh dipercayai. Unit-unit broker bank lazimnya boleh dipercayai di mana mereka adalah sebahagian daripada bank-bank tersebut, namun ini tidak menyifatkan yang syarikat-syarikat broker, terutamanya syarikat-syarikat besar, tidak boleh diharapkan. Mungkin pendekatan terbaik adalah dengan bertanyakan pedagang saham yang mantap mengenai broker yang digunakan. Tetapi jika anda tidak mempunyai hubungan sedemikian, ingat bahawa Internet adalah rakan anda.

credits: imoney.com
Untuk tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2014, pemegang unit Amanah Saham Bumiputera menerima
      • Dividen: 7.50 sen seunit
      • Bonus: 1.00 sen seunit
Pulangan dividen & bonus ASB bagi 2013:
      • Dividen: 7.70 sen seunit
      • Bonus: 1.00 sen seunit
Pulangan dividen & bonus ASB bagi 2012:
      • Dividen: 7.75 sen seunit
      • Bonus: 1.15 sen seunit

Insha Allah, kena start buat la lepaih nie, belum start pun lagi..tapi tengok dividen tu macam ok ja

Kali ini nak kongsikan mengenai forum-forum yg sesuai buat malaysian punya coverage a.k.a local forum.Antara forum yg rasa-rasanya baguih la

1. Wangcyber.com

2. Carigold.com

Dua-dua ni boleh dikatakan forum yg biasa org refer bab berkaitan bisnes ataupun kewangan nie

So, boleh la..try2 register dan login utk tahu lebih lanjut lagi.Banyak sub-sub section dier yang more to kewangan n off course bisnes la..apa lagi.

Part time degree....jadi satu persoalan plak dibenak hati aku nie, nak sambung study sebab memang aku suka pun study nie.Tapi tu la..satu penyakit jugak 'dabble' nie, ragu2 n x fully fokus.A lot of thing perlu difikirkan.

  • MASA

Program yang ditawarkan oleh IPT & IPTS semua ada, tapi overall semua ambik masa 4 tahun kot nak habis (nama pun PJJ).So x leh nak kata apa la.Sama ada nak ker x nak..that the question.

Kekangan masa bagi yang bekerja memang tidak dinafikan, sgt2 la menekan kepala otak nie untuk pandai urus masa sebaiknya.Rasa-rasa boleh nie...well I am still x kawen lagi...for now.For sure lah ade gak masa yang bisa di atur.

This is the main issue....kata omputihnya la..tapi anything on earth nie have its price.So do same with this PJJ.Ong Kos nya agak 'rabak' gak la untuk orang yg fulltime makan gaji nihh.Tapi insha Allah kalau niat kita semata-mata nak tuntut ilmu..Allah akan permudahkan.Ameen....

Apart from all of the above point, willingness la yang utama...bak kata pepatah kg gua 'dimana ada kemahuan disitu ada jalan'


  1. UITM
  3. UKM

Intake Feb/Mac 2015 bakal bertandang, insha Allah kalau semua settle dan berjalan lancar maw aja aku bisa berkuliah lagi.Kangen bangat sama suasana pelajar.Hahaha... :)

Assalammulaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Dah lama tidak mengodek-godek berkaitan blog nihh, penah develop satu dulu
tudiaa.blogspot.com tapi tak ingat pulak mana aku letak password dan username dia..hah lost truss..jem


Rasa nak try buat satu lagi...blogging perlu komitment actually.

Bolehkah???...Haha..nak simpan info dan boleh rujuk in future.So blog is the best choice..can share also ma.